Appels à contributions
État des lieux : études théâtrales du dix-huitième siècle / State of the Discipline: Eighteenth-Century French and Francophone Theatre Studies (Orlando, Floride)

État des lieux : études théâtrales du dix-huitième siècle / State of the Discipline: Eighteenth-Century French and Francophone Theatre Studies (Orlando, Floride)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Yann Robert)


State of the Discipline: Eighteenth-Century French and Francophone Theatre Studies / État des lieux: études théâtrales du dix-huitième siècle

Logan J. Connors, University of Miami, AND Yann Robert, University of Illinois-Chicago; and

The goal of this panel is to take stock of current trends and future opportunities for eighteenth-century French and Francophone theatre studies. How has the discipline changed over the past thirty years? How does the discipline engage with the various “turns” of the past few decades: the linguistic, the performative, and the emotional? How do scholars of eighteenth-century French theatre enter into dialogue with the digital humanities? With theories of theatre & performance studies? With theatre in French-speaking places outside of France? With women and gender/sexuality studies? With other critical paradigms of the past few decades: affect studies, the history of emotions, psychoanalysis, etc.? Is there anything particular to eighteenth-century theatre studies that renders the discipline antagonistic to some critical frameworks? Are there any critical frameworks that are informed by eighteenth-century theatre studies? This bilingual roundtable seeks concise, accessible contributions by emerging and confirmed scholars about the state of the discipline today. Presentations merging eighteenth-century theatre and pedagogy are also welcome.